
A quality education is first of all that which prepares for life. This lively preparation is not only done by the transmission of knowledge to students but equally and mostly by developing competences in them. This is one of the great challenges at hand in education orientation which can only be effective if the school program effectively provide development of competences which would permit the student to concretely use that which he has learnt in class in new and complex situations, within or without the school. This book is consecrated to orientation in school milieu and more precisely to pedagogic competences of orientation counselor. It is destined counselors and to those who wish to deepen their art and learn to discern successes. The orientation counselor, beginner or not would equally find a certain number of useful links and sources in the bibliography to consult.

The author

Bienvenu MARQUIS is a graduate from the Higher Teachers Training college (ENS) of Yaoundé, holder of a professional master degree in sciences of language, semiotic and strategies and PHD student in the University of Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar. He is presently National Pedagogic Inspector in charge of school orientation at in the ministry of secondary education in Cameroon.

Details of the book

Title : L’Activité Pédagogique en Orientation Scolaire.Guide Pratique pour le Développement des Compétences Pédagogiques du Conseiller d’Orientation
Author : Bienvenu MARQUIS
Editeur : Editions Cheikh Anta Diop
Collection : Collection Univers Pédagogique en Mutation
ISBN-13 : 978-9956-657-24-7
ISBN-10 :
Language : French
Number of pages : 236
Dimension : 16 X 23,5 cm
Publication date : 10 november 2017
Price : Africa : 13 500 / 20,57 € - Out of Africa   : 16 400 / 25 €
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