
The primary objective of classical pedagogy was the transmission of closed knowledge. Today, this goal is out of date for three main reasons. The first is the emergence of new social needs, born of globalization and the ethical and universal goals of education. The second is that the new academic disciplines retain their true meaning only if they are implemented by a pedagogy that does not betray their nature and their objectives. The last, and perhaps most relevant is that the school's products, in addition to adapting to their specific environments, now have to be more creative, more competitive, more competent and able to fit into the world of work or to create wealth. What then implies of the primary schoolmaster of today, not only the teaching of the instrumental schemes rather than the transmission of the standard knowledge, but also the setting up of the conditionalities and the intellectual availabilities rather than to furnish and to maintain the memories of schoolchildren. Therefore, the requirements of educational development and integration expertise spans a teaching that has nothing to do with the traditional didactic, but must be animated, or rather revived daily by new practices . This task is not easy, and if reform is a fact in the official texts, it remains, most of the time, a myth in the daily practice of the class. It is therefore imperative that primary education take the issue of development and integration of skills head on, and that teachers strive to make PCA effective and efficient in their classrooms. This book is a contribution to this project. It is for all those who teach or who want to teach their profession. In consulting him, however, they must not forget that pedagogy is also an art.


Emmanuel ITONG A GOUFAN holds the " Certificat d’Aptitude Pédagogique d’Instituteur de l’Enseignement Général " (CAPIEG), the " Diplôme de Professeur des Écoles Normales d’instituteurs " (DIPEN 2) and Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Psychology. He began his teaching career as a teacher and then a primary school principal. In 2002, he is received sa major at the entrance examination for the second cycle of the École Normale Supérieure of Yaoundé, option Sciences of Education. When he graduated in 2004, he taught at ENIEG in Bafia. In 2005, he was appointed Head of Studies and Internships at ENIEG de Guider and, in 2007, Kiiki's District Inspector of Basic Education. In 2015, it is the first batch of teachers to be elevated to the honorary rank of Chevalier des Palmes Académiques. Author of several articles and scientific books, he is currently a Study Officer at the Regional Delegation of Basic Education Center, and teacher-associate in several state and private universities of Cameroon.

Details of the book

Title : La pédagogie du développement et de l’intégration des compétences dans l’enseignement primaire : Historique, théories et pratique
Author : Emmanuel ITONG A GOUFAN
Editor : Editions Cheikh Anta Diop
Collection : Collection Univers Pédagogique en Mutation
ISBN-13 : 978-9956-657-65-7
Language : French
Number of pages : 302
Size : 16 X 24 cm
Publication date : July 30, 2019
Price : Africa : 23 € / 15 100 Frs cfa - Out of Africa : 26.50 € / 17 400 Frs cfa
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